
Short CV

Current Position :

Assistant Professor in computer science at University of Le Havre Normandie :

Education and Training

2005-2009 PhD of the Nancy 2 University in Computer Science defended in december 2009.
Title of the PhD thesis : « Swarm Intelligence as a Complex System: Study of a Multi-agent System based on Coupled Logistic Maps »
1990-1995 Student teacher at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Cachan at the Applied Physics Department:
  • 1995 : Teaching diploma of "fully qualified teacher" in Physics-Chemistry.
  • 1992/1993 : Master 2 degree in Theoretical Computer Science at Orsay University (Paris XI) and ENS Cachan.

Carreer path

2011- Assistant Professor in computer science at University of Le Havre-Normandie
1998-2011 Teacher position in charge of e-learning projects at Nancy 2 University, and training staff in Computer Science.
1995/1998 High School Teacher in Physics-Chemistry.

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