PHD Thesis
L'intelligence en essaim sous l'angle des systèmes complexes : étude d'un Système Multi-Agent à base d'itérations logistiques couplées. Rodolphe Charrier. December 2009. LORIA, Nancy, France. | link to download |
Some slides summarizing this work (in french):Thesis_slides.pdf
Papers in Refereed International Journals
(preprints on HAL)
Guillaume Cantin, Nathalie Verdière, Valentina Lanza, M. Aziz-Alaoui, Rodolphe Charrier, et al. : Mathematical Modeling of Human Behaviors During Catastrophic Events: Stability and Bifurcations. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, World Scientific Publishing, 2016, 26 (10) | Link to download |
Nathalie Verdière, Guillaume Cantin, Damienne Provitolo, Valentina Lanza, Edwige Dubos-Paillard, Rodolphe Charrier et al. : Understanding and Simulation of Human Behaviors in Areas Affected by Disasters: From the Observation to the Conception of a Mathematical Model. Global Journal of Human-Social Science: H Interdisciplinary, Global Journals Inc., 2015, 15 (10) | |
Nathalie Verdière, Guillaume Cantin, Damienne Provitolo, Valentina Lanza, Edwige Dubos-Paillard, et al.. Understanding and Simulation of Human Behaviors in Areas Affected by Disasters: From the Observation to the Conception of a Mathematical Model. Global Journal of Human-Social Science: H Interdisciplinary, Global Journals Inc., 2015, 15 (10) | |
Papers in Refereed International Conferences
Rodolphe Charrier. A cascading failure model to study stress propagation in crowds. WANCSA'2017 Workshop on Advance in Nonlinear Complex Systems and Applications, Jul 2017, Le Havre, France. | |
Haifa Rabai, Rodolphe Charrier, Cyrille Bertelle. Study of the Disturbance Spread in an Interaction Network. ESM 2015, 29th European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Oct 2015, Leicester, United Kingdom | |
Haifa Rabai, Rodolphe Charrier, Cyrille Bertelle. Detecting the source of chaos in an interaction network. ICCSA 2014, Jun 2014, Le Havre, France. | |
Haifa Rabai, Rodolphe Charrier, Cyrille Bertelle. Close returns plots for detecting a chaotic source in an interaction network. ALIFE 14 : the fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, Jul 2014, New York, United States | |
Rodolphe Charrier, Nathalie Corson, Ludovic Seifert, John Komar, Cyrille Bertelle. Swimming like Oscillators ? The Question of Modelling and Identifying Parameters. ECCS'13 - European Conference on Complex Systems 2013 - Barcelona, Sep 2013, Barcelona, Spain. | |
Haifa Rabai, Rodolphe Charrier, Cyrille Bertelle. Coupled Map Networks to Study the Spread of Panic in Pedestrian Crowds. Smart Territory and Networks, ECCS'13 European Conference on Complex Systems, Sep 2013, Barcelone, Spain | |
Charrier, Rodolphe, and Bourjot, Christine, and Charpillet, François : A Deterministic Metaheuristic Approach Using Logistic Ants for Combinatorial Optimization, ANTS 2010, LNCS, volume 6234, Springer, 344–351, 2010 | link to download |
Charrier, Rodolphe, and Bourjot, Christine, and Charpillet, François : Modeling a swarm phenomenon using logistic agents : Application to a predators-prey pursuit. In AAMAS'09 Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Budapest, 1245-1246, 2009 | |
Charrier, Rodolphe, and Bourjot, Christine, and Charpillet, François : Study of self-adaptation mechanisms in a swarm of logistic agents. In SASO 2009, Third IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, San Francisco, 82-91, 2009 | link to download |
Charrier, Rodolphe, and Bourjot, Christine, and Charpillet, François : A Nonlinear Multi-agent System designed for Swarm Intelligence : the Logistic MAS. In SASO'07, International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, Boston, 32–44, 2007 | link to download |
Charrier, Rodolphe, and Bourjot, Christine, and Charpillet, François : Flocking as a synchronization phenomenon with logistic agents. In ECCS'07, European Conference on Complex Systems, Dresden. | link to download |
Video of the talk | |
Charrier, Rodolphe, and Bourjot, Christine, and Charpillet, François : Deterministic nonlinear modeling of ant algorithms with a logistic multi-agent system. In AAMAS'07, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Hawaii. | link to download |
Papers in Refereed National Conferences
Haïfa Rabaï, Rodolphe Charrier, Cyrille Bertelle. Etude de la propagation d'une perturbation dans un réseau d'interaction formé par un système multi-agent. Environnements socio-techniques. 23es Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA'15), Jun 2015, Rennes, France. pp.195-204. | link to download |
Damienne Provitolo, Edwige Dubos-Paillard, Nathalie Verdière, Valentina Lanza, Rodolphe Charrier, et al.: Les comportements humains en situation de catastrophe : les comprendre pour mieux les prévenir. Theo Quant 2015, May 2015, Besançon, France. pp.260-264. | |
Charrier, Rodolphe and André, Matthieu and Huynen, Jean-Louis: Evaluation d'un prototype de campus virtuel 3D relativement à la problématique de l’échec en licence universitaire. In TICE 2010, Conférence Internationale des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Enseignement, Nancy, 2010. | link to download |
Charrier, R., Bourjot, C. et Charpillet, F. : Un modèle connexionniste pour l'intelligence en essaim : Le système multi-agent logistique. In ARCO'07, Association pour la Recherche Cognitive, Nancy, 19-31, 2007 | link to download |
Bracco, C., Charrier, R. et Maurines, L. (2004). Une approche didactique de l’optique en sciences physiques : conception d’un cédérom sur l’histoire des idées sur la lumière, de l’Antiquité au début du XXe siècle. In Actes du colloque TICE-Méditerranée, Nice. |
Other Publications
Rodolphe Charrier, Julien Philippe, Cyrille Bertelle. Study of a Model of Nervousness Propagation within Crowds. Systèmes complexes, intelligence territoriale et mobilité - XTerM 2019, Jun 2019, Le Havre, France. | |
Julien Philippe, Rodolphe Charrier, Cyrille Bertelle. Impact of nervousness propagation on crowd dynamics. BIFI International Conference 2018 Complexity, Networks and Collective Behavior, Feb 2018, Zaragoza, Spain. | |
Rodolphe Charrier. Detection Algorithm of Chaotic Failures in a Directed Coupled Network. BIFI International Conference 2018 : COMPLEXITY, NETWORKS AND COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOUR, Feb 2018, Zaragoza, Spain | |
Haifa Rabai, Rodolphe Charrier, Cyrille Bertelle. Detecting panicked networked agents and measuring their synchronization. WEIN'14 6th International Workshop on Emergent Intelligence in Networked Agents, May 2014, Paris, France. | |
[Charrier, 2006] Charrier, Rodolphe (2006). Modélisation de comportements non linéaires dans un SMA réactif. Technical report, LORIA - Maia team. |